Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Taking a Pattern and Having that Fabric Work

Fabric. A loose material that in its simplest form has little to no structure. When folded and sewn together there is a new life to the material. This all starts with the pattern. Alone the pieces mean nothing but together they are uniform and working together. 

When taking a pattern page then folding on certain seems there are new shapes that will form for new spaces. 

Not only were some of the lines folded and ripped but many were sewn together and glued into place. 

 These forms are simpler but still have spacial qualities to make me think about how a form can sit on a site and still hold the human remains.

Weave and Fold. Create that Space

Since I have already started to manipulate the floor plans that Frank Lloyd Wright has in his mind perfected, it is time to cut them up and rearrange them. Hopefully this will create new lines to fold and new lines to manipulate. 

The layering and weaving of this house is something that created many different types of spaces. There are also clear cut paths of where folding and cuts could be made.

When folding this new interpretation of a floor plan the idea of a taller wall with a specific path started to form. Turning walls in to direct people and also to create intimate spaces.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Folding New Spaces out of What We Have

Once again Frank Lloyd Wright is the subject of my manipulation. By using existing floor plans the goal is to fold using his lines and creating new spaces. Manipulating this flat plane will make a "skin" that could turn into the spaces needed. 



Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What to Drawdel and How to do it..

This is the main question. If a section is to be expressed then how. What drawdel will display the section and make the project come alive on the page without adding color or more information.

How does the depth of the newly cut paper represent the ground and how will a few more cuts 
transform that into a fully functioning site plan. These questions will be answered by just doing. By me just taking the piece of paper and cutting into it and hoping that when it hangs on the wall all will be answered. 

Monday, February 17, 2014

The Drawdel

A drawing model. Taking a drawing and bringing it to the next expressive level. Much harder then it looks.

The need to manipulate the paper so that the drawing is not compromised, but also give a new dimension to the drawing.

Before any finished droodels many practice rounds have to be done.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Put the trace down. The gloves on. And get your hands dirty. 
From now on we think in the 3-D world. 
We think by casting. 

And Casting in the way of everything. No time to think about the cast as a precious gift. Think of the cast as another sketch, cast little casts and actual ideas and eventually the project starts to form. 

And those ideas, they are a continuation from what we have previously learned. How can carving a book turn into a section of a building? And what if that section turns into a site plan. A way of carving into the earth so it still reads as linear. 

Or what happens if they flip. If this site plan becomes a ceiling plan. What if these lines determine the way that light enters the space. A goal of this space is to be a way of interacting with the families of the deceased. If light is what is going to make every person have a different experience then shouldn't there be a variation on the light?

The next question...How will this existing building still be an important part of the complex if I do not want to over power it. 

A solution for now. Carve into the site, but don't build an overpowering structure on top. Have a smaller lighter complex that does not hold the program as much as provide a different experience for people. 

Have this structure be a large decoration to the site. Have the ceiling relate to how deep into the ground you are. Not all architecture problems have to be solved by a building and in this case the earth is a solution that will match the concrete box it is next to but also complement the idea that the boxes holding these people deserve a holding place that can be decorated to be their own. 

Friday, February 7, 2014

The Finished Product. 
Starting with a void the idea was to lead you to the first set of chosen ideas. 

These idea all specifically chosen to be a look into Frank Lloyd Wright's writes word and determine what was still important for today. 
Which ideas are less self centered and more about the architecture that he created. 

It was a practice of deciding what he would not want to happen to his architecture. The result was that any change to what he created would be something he would hate. So why not create new spaces in his drawings by coloring them in. Why not change his words to be more relevant for architecture today. 

"There is no architecture otherwise, I believe. What form? Well, let the form come." The altered words of Frank Lloyd Wright

"Architecture society! Build some buildings for a few people knowing the significance or value of that sense of the whole which we are learning to call organic, but we cannot have as architecture. love architecture." The altered words of Frank Lloyd Wright

The end. Leaving the circle void with a new perspective.