Friday, February 7, 2014

The Finished Product. 
Starting with a void the idea was to lead you to the first set of chosen ideas. 

These idea all specifically chosen to be a look into Frank Lloyd Wright's writes word and determine what was still important for today. 
Which ideas are less self centered and more about the architecture that he created. 

It was a practice of deciding what he would not want to happen to his architecture. The result was that any change to what he created would be something he would hate. So why not create new spaces in his drawings by coloring them in. Why not change his words to be more relevant for architecture today. 

"There is no architecture otherwise, I believe. What form? Well, let the form come." The altered words of Frank Lloyd Wright

"Architecture society! Build some buildings for a few people knowing the significance or value of that sense of the whole which we are learning to call organic, but we cannot have as architecture. love architecture." The altered words of Frank Lloyd Wright

The end. Leaving the circle void with a new perspective. 


  1. these are great... plus, the "altered words of frank lloyd wright" are very amusing/interesting... although, i think that some of the great manipulations of the images+architectures are not given enough credit (aka highlighted) here...

  2. and... the castings...? and current project...?
